The Difference
Anorexia is an illness that occurs mainly in teenage girls, although increasingly boys suffer from it too. People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin and are terrified of gaining weight. As a result, they starve themselves (especially avoiding high-calorie foods), and exercise obsessively until they become extremely thin and well below the normal weight for their age and height.
Bulimia usually affects women in their early to mid-twenties. People with bulimia are also terrified of gaining weight, but they can usually keep within a normal weight. This is because they eat very large amounts of fattening food (called 'bingeing'), but then get rid of that food by vomiting or by taking laxatives.
The Causes
We do not know exactly what causes anorexia or bulimia. Many explanations have been suggested, although the precise reasons may be different for each person.
A fear of not being able to cope or feeling overwhelmed are common among people with anorexia or bulimia. For instance, adolescence is full of major changes – both physical and emotional – and some teenagers may be confused or uncertain. Denying themselves food may be one way to establish some control in their lives. Others may resort to food to block out disturbing feelings. People with bulimia are often unsure of themselves, lack confidence in their abilities or suffer from depression. Binge eating may be one way to cope with these unhappy, unsettled feelings.
Today's 'thin is beautiful' image may be a contributing factor. The waif-like ideal promoted through the media can put pressure on women of all ages to diet, sometimes to excess. Other triggers of eating disorders may include upsetting events, such as divorce, or difficult or abusive family relationships.
by *neema*
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