Saturday, 27 January 2007

music for doc...

Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
this is a powerful song, the message in the song is ' you are beautiful no matter what they say' , it shows that girls don't have to be skinny to look beautiful, they are beautiful just as they are...

Rihanna - Unfaithful (Instrumental)
this song holds a strong meaning, but we will be using the instrumental version for background music as its calming and cool.

Another song that was suggested was >jojo - exceptional< ( thanks ZeB)
"You're exceptional the way you are don't need to change for nobody you're incredible, anyone can see that when will you believe that?"
it conveys the message of our documeantary and is another powerful song

by neema

Thursday, 25 January 2007

What We Want To iNclude...

This is a brief outline of what we hope to include in our documentary:

* An interview with a psychiatrist

Possible questions –
*How many patients have you had to deal with regarding an eating disorder?
*In your experience why do you think teenagers develop this disorder?
*Are the majority of your patients female or male, as statistics show an increase of males having an eating disorder?

*How do you help teenagers combat the disorder?
*In the past has treatment ever failed?
*Have some of your patients come out worse or better after treatment?
*Are there any tips or advice you could offer to teenagers who currently have a disorder but are scared to admit it?

*Magazine front covers – a few of which are posted on the blog
*Hopefully an interview with a person who currently or previously had an eating disorder.
*Pictures of celebrities we have found, most of which are size 0.
*Stills soap story lines, i.e. HOLLYOAKS

By neema,saman & kiran

Wednesday, 24 January 2007

In the Media...

Ana Carolina Reston

Anorexia claimed the life of model; Ana Carolina Reston (left) who died on 14th November 2006, in Sao Paulo, Brazil; from a generalised infection caused by anorexia.
She was 5'8'' tall and weighed only 88 pounds. Doctors consider this weight normal for a 12-year-old girl who is no more than 5 feet tall. Her mother has since revealed to the press that her diet, since the last two months, consisted only of apples and tomatoes.

Reston's death is set to strengthen claims of links between the fashion industry and eating disorders. It comes shortly after one of Europe's most prestigious catwalk shows, in the Spanish Capital,banned models with a body mass index of less than 18. Body mass index is a calculation doctors normally apply to study obesity, and anyone with index below 18.5 is considered underweight. At the time of her death, Ana had a Body Mass Index of 13.4.

This article shows that people are affected by eating disorders all around the world, and one of the major influences being the fashion industry, fortunatley for Ana she was unable to control anorexia and it resulted in her death.

by neema

SoO Whats The Difference?

The Difference
Anorexia is an illness that occurs mainly in teenage girls, although increasingly boys suffer from it too. People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin and are terrified of gaining weight. As a result, they starve themselves (especially avoiding high-calorie foods), and exercise obsessively until they become extremely thin and well below the normal weight for their age and height.

Bulimia usually affects women in their early to mid-twenties. People with bulimia are also terrified of gaining weight, but they can usually keep within a normal weight. This is because they eat very large amounts of fattening food (called 'bingeing'), but then get rid of that food by vomiting or by taking laxatives.

The Causes

We do not know exactly what causes anorexia or bulimia. Many explanations have been suggested, although the precise reasons may be different for each person.

A fear of not being able to cope or feeling overwhelmed are common among people with anorexia or bulimia. For instance, adolescence is full of major changes – both physical and emotional – and some teenagers may be confused or uncertain. Denying themselves food may be one way to establish some control in their lives. Others may resort to food to block out disturbing feelings. People with bulimia are often unsure of themselves, lack confidence in their abilities or suffer from depression. Binge eating may be one way to cope with these unhappy, unsettled feelings.

Today's 'thin is beautiful' image may be a contributing factor. The waif-like ideal promoted through the media can put pressure on women of all ages to diet, sometimes to excess. Other triggers of eating disorders may include upsetting events, such as divorce, or difficult or abusive family relationships.

by *neema*

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Eating Disorders are NOT SEXY!!!

No one wants to be a 0...

People with eating disorders are always thinking about food but don't eat it because they think their fat.

What Is Anorexia?

Anorexia is an eating disorder where people starve themselves.Anorexics have an intense fear of gaining weight, so they either don't eat enough food or eat Almost Nothing. As a result, they rapidly lose weight. Even then, anorexics are convinced they're overweight. Sometimes they hide food, cut food into tiny pieces, or obsessively count calories. Anorexia usually begins in young people around the age of 13-20 around the onset of puberty.Weight loss is usually 15% below the person's normal body weight.
Did YoU Know That 90% of Anorexics Are FemAle!
HowEver the number of MaLes with eating disorders is currently on the riSe

What is Bulimia?
Bulimia is a psychological eating disorder. Bulimia is characterised by episodes of binge-eating followed by inappropriate methods of weight control. Inappropriate methods of weight control include vomiting, fasting, enemas, excessive use of laxatives and diuretics, or compulsive exercising. Excessive shape and weight concerns are also characteristics of bulimia.

This is Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen. Mary Kate was the twin that had an eating disorder and received medical treatment for it. Now she is doing well.

BY kiran xx

So WhAts Been In The MedIa??

Overall the issues with eating disorders are not only within the UK, they are all around the world, and most importantly teenagers are being encouraged to look like their favourite stars , even if that means starving...

In This Issue Of HEAT, The AmOunt Of Celebs BeComIng Thin Is referred To As An EPIDEMIC!

ThIs is The Front Page to US GossIp MagaZine THE ENQUIRER

AnOther Front Cover From US Gossip magazine STAR

By Neema

NamEd And ShaMed

LindSay Lohan With Nicole Ritchie

ChIld StaR MarY KaTe OlsEn Sure Doesnt Set A gooD exAmple To Her Fans!

By *Neema*

NamEd And ShaMed

Well.. StartEd LoOkin At DiffErenT PicS of CeleBs WhO aRe in The MeDia At thE MomEnt, That InfluEnceS YounG GiRls..ManY CelEbS havE cHanGed TheRe ImaGe Ova The Last Few MonThs/YeaRs and boY it ShowS..!! "HealThY" lOoKin WomEn HavE JuSt DroPpEd..!!NicOle RitChie..VicTorIa BeCkham..LindSy LoHan..MaRy-Kate OlsEn..MiScHa BaRtOn..<<>

Mischa Barton Looking shockingly thin.. considering she is a role model for Teenage

Nicole Ritchie who apparently
ed HavinG an Eating DisOrdeR...

Most Recent Picture of Victoria Beckham, You could Have never Guessed That She is A mother of three...

By *Neema & Saman*

...I fOunD an ArtIcle On The Net AboUt a 19 Year Old Girl Who DieD frOm an EatInG DisOder..her MothEr Is Now BlaminG CeleBs..SaYinG how They'Re a Bad InfluEnce..I was ThinKing That We Cud IncluDe SomEthinG Like This...

January 6, 2007

Skinny celebs blamed for teenager's deathAsian News InternationalLondon,
The heartbroken mother of a teenage who died of eating disorder anorexia has slammed skinny celebs like Posh Spice for setting a bad example.
Rosalind Ponomarenko-Jones, whose 19-year old daughter Sophie Mazurek, weighed just four stone or 25.40 kilos when she died after a two-year battle with the eating disorder, has hit out celebs who make being thin glamorous.
"These girls, and celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, are very negative role models. Sophie knew that but she thought people like Victoria Beckham were glamorous - she wanted to be like them," the Daily Mail quoted her, as saying.
Mrs Ponomarenko-Jones revealed that her daughter, who used to weigh 54 kilos when she developed anorexia at the age of 17, spent a “fortune” on mags which were full of pics showing which celebs were thin and which were fat.
Mazurek’s mother also blamed the magazines for she says that they made being thin “attractive and glamorous”.
"Sophie spent a fortune on magazines full of pictures of celebrities and features showing who was looking thin and who looked fat. They are certainly partly to blame because they make being thin seem attractive and glamorous," Mrs Ponomarenko-Jones said.
"But girls with anorexia also often suffer from low self-esteem - they are not happy in their own skin and want to be like celebrities, and that is a major factor behind the onset of anorexia as well," she added.
A spokesman for Victoria Beckham said it would be "inappropriate to comment on somebody's loss".


Monday, 22 January 2007

EåtÏñg ð¡§øRÐê®


We are doing a Documentary on eating disorders, we will be looking more into what it is all about and how it is Effecting young teenage girls....WHAT influences them to want to be like celebs....WHO influences them to want to be like celebs???? It is question upon questions....there are many GiRlS in this world that suffer a great deal of eating disorder, JuSt because they want to be what you call "perfect" in a CeLeBs eyes. I am working in a group with both *NeEmA* & *SaMaN*, together we will create a documentary that will reveal the secrets off the many ways that girls have suffered terribly.

(¯`·._)ߥ KÏrãñ (¯`·._)
For Our PractiCal ProduCtion We will Be ouTlining The caUses And EffeCtS of Having An EatIng Disorder Which Is growIng IncreasIngly Common AmonGst TeenAge GirLs. Also How They Are infLuenCed i.E. The FashiOn IndustrY

By Neema

EatInG DisOrDeRs..!

FoR mY MeDia PrActIcaL pRoDuCtIoN i Am WoRkIn' In a GrOuP Wid *KirAn & nEeMa*..We'Ve DecIdEd UpOn CreAtinG a DocUmeNtAry, BaseD On DeAlin wIth EatIn DisOrdOrS..!! ThE puRpoSe Of D dOc will Be To inFoRm AnD eDuCate IndIvDualS aBoUt The SerIoUsNesS Of The IllNeSs..
