Thursday 12 July 2007

!!!KiRaNs ReViEw!!!

Well.....i think that the outcome of our media production documentary (dying to be thin) came out to be very outstanding, it most defintaly caught peoples attention, and i do believe that we portrayed the topic (eating disorders) in the correct way.

The filming was very fun and it kept us would really feel as though you are this very important person (VIP lolzzz)....shooting your shot on camera! It made me feel as though a lot was getting done just by pressing that red record button :)

I can say that we had our good times and we had our bad, times came of stress and times came of relief, furthermore in the end the turnout was wicked, im really pleased with our doc as it just seems so magnificant when you've actually created it yourself with the help of your friends your sticking together and really coming up with ideas to really get the whole thing going!

This is to all media students in my year every single one of you did ever so well, every single media production is a masterpiece to be proud off! :D

By *-*-*KiRaN*-*-*

Wednesday 20 June 2007


Dying To Be Thin

directed by: Neema Wadhia, Samandeep Bains, Kiran Dhillon

Dying To Be Thin is an expository documentary highlighting the dangers of eating disorders in an attempt to discover why teenagers are becoming increasingly worried about their weight or size. By highlighting these issues we are raising awareness of this psychological and physical illness that has become common amongst the young teenage/adult audience in twenty-first century society.
We used a professional interview with a dietitian to make our documentary more professional as she gave us an insight as to why teenagers may develop the disorder.
We also included celebrity pictures and models ln a catwalk to emphasise how common size zero is becoming

We went all the way to HAmpstead to film an interview but didnt use it in the end
It took agesss editing the opening montage only for half of it to get deleted!

by neema:)


Title: Dying to be Thin
Directors: Samandeep Bains, Neema Wadhia and Kiran Dhillon

Do you think twice about eating that ‘slice of cake’? Do you feel you can’t leave your house wearing those jeans? Well...’Dying to be Thin’ explores the seriousness of the issue of sever weight lose in teenage girls. So who’s to blame? The media, family, friends, fashion designers YOURSELF? This documentary investigates the reasons why and the consequences of losing excess masses of weight.

In our documentary we decided not to particularly deal with a certain character, but instead decided to focus on getting the views from members of the public about ‘skinniness’. We wanted to show that it’s normally in persons head (paranoia) that they don’t look good the way they are.

Dying to Be Thin focuses on weather skinny is actually attractive; we use a vast amount of Vox-Pops to appeal to our target audience. We try to understand reasons why people go to the extreme lengths to become skinny.

The documentary helps girls understand that beauty is more than skin, and It’s not important how you look on the outside, because it’s the inside that counts. It doesn’t matter if a girl’s big, small, fat, skinny because what really matters is that you’re a beautiful person inside.

Interesting Facts: Well a simple trip down to uxbridge to do an interview with our dietician, turned out to be more ADVENTUREOURS then we intended. But all ended well after some serious running around..

Samandeep Bains

Friday 27 April 2007




Friday 6 April 2007


SO FAR we have successfully done most of the documentary and just need to do the ending, which we have planned and just needs to be put together!!
we have also sorted out
MUSIC and have added some of it in. also we need to do the voice over!
and thats about it =D


Thursday 29 March 2007


This is a article from todays Daily Mirror ( 29/03/07), it reveals fashion desiger Donatella Versace 's daughter Allegra is currently suffering from anorexia.

The Versaces live their lives of relentless luxury in palazzi of exquisite good taste, privileged, talented - and often deeply miserable.
When Donatella Versace revealed yesterday that her daughter Allegra is suffering from anorexia.
The painfully thin 20-year-old, who inherited half her family's £300million fashion empire when her doting uncle was shot dead, has been in the grip of the disease for several years.
Even in the high-fashion world of the ultra-thin her weight has been the subject of much speculation since pictures showed her looking dangerously ill and gaunt.
Donatella confirmed in a statement: "Our daughter, Allegra, has been battling anorexia, a very serious disease, for many years.
"She is receiving the best medical care to help overcome this illness and is responding well. As parents, we are doing our best to protect our daughter.
"We want everyone to know we appreciate their concern for Allegra, and we ask that her privacy be respected at this time."


Tuesday 27 March 2007

ProGresS RepOrT

Soo far we have successfully put most of our footage on the timeline and started to re arrange it in the order we want.
Also we have tried not to use too much archive footage and only used a few clips and pictures. We have done all the filming =D and finished the opening of the documentary

by neema

Tuesday 20 March 2007



Thursday 15 March 2007

""Editin in up""

Well personally i think that editing is going fairly well, we are all trying to work together and share ideas, it has been fun although we've had some bad times we've also had our good where we know where on the right track!

I must admit it is quite difficult keeping in track of the times with editing, sometimes you cannot make it for instance the morning are very difficult for me, however i can always go freely during and after the day! We've all put in a lot of effort to get this going but i would also like to say that Neema has worked very hard in this production and to tell you the truth i don't know where I'd be without her lol! (want a tissue) lolzz!

Where all going to continue editing and shall do pretty well!!!


Anne slams pressure to be thin

Anne Hathaway has spoken out against movie industry execs for perpetuating the myth that actresses should be thin, insisting no one should be forced into a size zero. The Devil Wears Prada star says she has turned down roles because of pressure from directors to lose weight. "It's completely understandable as a teenager to fret about your body," says Hathaway. "It's scary because you don't know how it's going to wind up. But I'm not a teenager any more, my body's chosen its shape... I'd rather be strong than skinny for most roles. I'm not a size zero, and I've had directors say to me, 'You're the best actress for the role, but you've put on weight recently.' If people can't understand you've put on five pounds, I don't want to deal with them."

XxKiranxX (that's more I like it!)

Tuesday 13 March 2007


We've captured all our footage now which is good..Editings not as hard as i fort it to would be, but it is soo longgg. Well i tell myself im gona come in every morning, an try and stay after school, but it is kinda tricky as i live soOo far..=( Anywayz Our Opening Scences LooKing Really GoOd Thanx To *NeeMa* and her Hard Work =)


Friday 9 March 2007

Shots From WorK

Below are stills (from clips) which we will probaly use in the production.!


Thursday 8 March 2007


This documentary was aired yesterday (7/03/07) on ITV.
Louise Redknapp aims to uncover the truth about size zero and its awful affects and how unhealthy and emotionally destructive the trend is.
Currently a size 8, she aims to become a size 0 in 30 days.
Once having a consultation with a doctor she travels to Los Angeles - home of size 0 (desperate housewives) and Victoria , the documentary features photographs of celebs such as Teri HatcherBeckham who believe that being skinny is sexy and the road to success...
Once starting the diet, we see a change in her capability as she has become tired more easily and her energy levels are dropping dramatically.
Backstage at a fashion show, she gets models and designers view on eating disorders, who reveal that the clothes come in a certain size and it’s up to models to fit into them.
She also visited Rhodes Farm clinic to speak to a group of 12 – 16 year olds who are currently receiving treatment.
The documentary also features former spice girl Mel C, who suffered from an eating disorder during her years in the spotlight, and also claims that the media were partly to blame.
However when the time came closer to trying on the size 0 dress which was shipped from LA, she began to have doubts about whether she would become hooked as her body had got used to less and less food each day.
At the end of week 3 she had a 24 inch waist and was a UK size 6, but after her doctor’s firm warning to stop Louise was determined to uncover this awful trend.
By week 4 she travelled to LA to loose the extra pounds but her BMI had dropped to 17.6 and she became a size 0 – which could be classified as anorexic!!
After crash dieting for 30 days it then took Louise 2 months to recover from the ordeal.
Below is a clip from the interview Louise had with Mel C..

by neema

Lauren Greenfield

Lauren Greenfield is an American documentary photographer, photojournalist, and documentary filmmaker.
Her photographs generally deal with issues relating to youth culture, gender identity, body image, eating disorder, and the influence of popular culture on how we live
She has also directed a feature length documentary for HBO entitled Thin, and has published an accompanying book with the same title.
The videos below are clips from her documentary...
Introduction to THIN by Director Lauren Greenfield

Add to My Profile | More Videos

By neema


we have finally thought of a name for the documentary... DYING TO BE THIN
pleasee leave ur comments about what you think :)

Sunday 4 March 2007


on friday morning (8am) me and saman went to the editing suite to do some editing. as no one else was there we had a chance to look back at all the footage and do some capturing, media mentor bushra was on hand to help us with any problems and talked to us about our production....

by neema

Wednesday 28 February 2007

Interesting video and song!!!

Go onto this link from "Youtube" it's a really catchy sad video about the disorder!
(i quite find the song very different!)


Oh Yeahh As we havent Actaully Fort Of a namee yet, i kinda fort of--> Dying [Dieing] to Be Thin...HmmmMmm..buh i dunoo...

Well..our prodcutions coming along nicelyYy. We went to go and see a phycotheropist last week and she gave us alot of relevant information, which we could use in the doc.. we've done the mojority of the filming needed..but still got a few lil things too do. Well..were hopefully gona start editing next wek, which is when everything will start coming together =)


Tuesday 27 February 2007

What's wrong with trying to be thin?

It's healthy to watch what you eat and to exercise. What isn't healthy is worrying all the time about your weight and what you eat. People with eating disorders do harmful things to their bodies because of their obsession about their weight. If it isn't treated, anorexia can cause the following health problems:
Stomach problems
Heart problems
Irregular periods or no periods
Fine hair all over the body, including the face
Dry, scaly skin
If it isn't treated, bulimia can cause the following health problems:
Stomach problems
Heart problems
Kidney problems
Dental problems (from throwing up stomach acid)
Dehydration (not enough water in the body)


Thursday 22 February 2007


Well for those who watch Hollyoaks would know the character Hannah Ashworth, who in the soap sufferered from bulimia:

Left alone on New Year's Eve, and convinced that she was undesirable, Hannah began binging and purging to cope with her feelings of rejection. This quickly became a vicious cycle of behavior as her on-off relationship with John-Paul (and his mood swings) made her increasingly angry and confused. Later, after John-Paul admitted he was gay, Hannah was conviced that she turned him gay. Her eating disorders appear to be part of a continuing storyline.

(if you dont watch Hollyoaks trust its good ;) lol)

Check out my Slide Show!

this was a slide show i made!!! KiRaN

gEtTiN tHeRe!!!

Sooooo......the interview with Jeannine went pretty well considering she had a dog :S lol! we got some very interesting footage. I feel as though she made some very true and detailed points, and as her being a phycotheropist we definitly got points from a different aspect as we are still hoping to get information from the i feel that they play a big part in society.


Wednesday 21 February 2007

London Fashion Week

With the controversy surrounding London fashion week, London has failed to ban skinny models. The following reports outline the controversy that has been caused and how other catwalks around the world are facing up to the problem.

by neema

Sunday 18 February 2007

VH1 - all access

Today VH1 aired a documentary highlighting the dramatic weight loss of Hollywood stars.
>cant realii find the video link on youtube or google<

About Episode

In Hollywood, the pressure for actresses to get and stay thin is the source of a shocking and alarming trend. Female celebrities have become tinier than ever, and "skinny" has moved from a health-conscious preoccupation to a dangerous obsession.

It began in the late '90s, when a few skeletal celebs like Calista Flockhart and Lara Flynn Boyle made headlines for being too thin. Now, nearly all of Hollywood's leading ladies are all drastically underweight. They know their next role or great red carpet gown often depends on how many pounds they're packing. This weight fixation has set the bar higher than ever, and in turn, created a dark side to Hollywood "fitness."

VH1 All Access: How Thin is Too Thin? will explore this new trend and examine the disturbing mentality behind it, while exposing the stick-thin celebs currently perpetuating this problem. The show will be broken into 3 distinct blocks:

  • Renee Zellweger
  • Kelly Ripa
  • Gwen Stefani
  • Nicole Kidman
  • Kate Bosworth
  • Brittany Murphy
  • Selma Blair, etc.

  • Over-exercising, Very low-calorie diets, Diet Pills/Dietary Supplements, etc.

  • Stars who have battled these diseases: Mary-Kate Olsen, Jamie-Lynn DiScala, Tracey Gold
  • Celebrity backlash to the thin craze: Reese Witherspoon, Kate Winslet, Jennifer Lopez, etc.

    Entertainment/gossip columnists, nutritionists, and celebrity trainers will all weigh in on what celebrities are doing to their bodies, while putting it in the context of how healthy - or unhealthy - some of these popular practices are

  • by neema

    Friday 16 February 2007

    ouline of doc...

    This is a rough outline of what will be in our documentary

    • Beginning of documentary – video of models on a catwalk – including sound, video then goes into slow motion, and screen goes black and white, following on will be the title of our documentary in colour.
    • Find model footage on you tube
    • Montage of Celebrities/Covers
    • Title will come up- fade (music could stop)
    • Beginning of dietitian Interview/ still of her face and name will appear, explain what eating disorder is
    • Pictures of magazine Covers
    • Possible interview with The Guardian journalist ( still not confirmed)
    • Interview with psychotherapist
    • Try an get a video of models on the catwalk, a voice over saying statistics
    • Get some general information about media influence on teenagers.
    • Record vox pops of people saying what an eating disorder is. Overlapping the voices so it becomes a blur
    • the clip below, shows models on the catwalk - we may use part of it during the documentary

    by neema

    Blog Comments

    1. What do you think of our blog?
    • What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
    • What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?
    2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?
    • What other things could we include in the production?
    • How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?

    Monday 12 February 2007

    in The mediA

    This article was published today in the Daily Mirror, as there is controversy surrounding London fashion week.


    PROTESTS against Size Zero models hit the start of London Fashion Week yesterday.

    Waving placards, demonstrators blasted the British Fashion Council's decision not to ban super-skinny girls from the catwalk.

    The move came as five models were judged too thin for Spain's top fashion event in Madrid.

    In London, protesters gathered outside the Natural History Museum as Paul Costelloe's new collection kicked off the week-long fashion event.

    Designers have been asked to use only "healthy" models in their shows who are aged at least 16.

    The use of girls wearing American size zero clothes - the equivalent of a British size four - has sparked huge controversy.

    In Spain, five of 69 women vetted for the Cibeles fashion show in Madrid were declared too thin to take part.

    Their body mass index was analysed by doctors and if it was too low, they were banned from catwalk. Dr Susana Monereo said: "The idea of weighing models who are on show here and making sure they look healthy is so that they do not have a negative influence by prompting young people to become obsessed by being thin."

    Yesterday British Fashion Council boss Hilary Riva defended the decision not to ban ultra-slim models.

    Speaking after the Paul Costelloe show, she said: "What I think we saw today were great models.

    "Very tall, and there wasn't one of them which I thought looked very young or excessively thin.

    "I think it is unrealistic to expect changing behaviours and attitudes after a short space of time in something like this. We have to raise awareness and debate about the subject."

    And banning size zero models could lead them to take legal action, it was warned yesterday.

    Melissa Richardson of the Take Two agency, said: "You can't say to models, 'You can't work because you are black or because you are blind', so why should you be able to say, 'You are too thin for work'?"

    Her opinion was backed by Vogue magazine editor Alexandra Shulman.

    She said: "We would not be allowed to discriminate in that way. It would be like saying you can't have black or white models."

    Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell said all women should face medical checks before they are allowed on the catwalk.

    Milan, Madrid and New York have banned models with a body mass index of less than 18.5 per cent. A healthy BMI is regarded as between 18.5 and 25 per cent.

    But designer Katharine Hamnett said the size zero debate was a "frivolous" distraction from more important issues about the ethical and environmental impact of the fashion industry.

    this is a report made by SKY NEWS

    by neema

    ProGress ReporT

    So far we have interviewed a dietitian, who was very helpful in answering questions related to eating disorders amongst teenagers
    on the 19Th February we have arranged an interview with a psychotherapist, however she specialises in eating disorders amongst adults so it may be different to the previous interview.
    also we have planned the opening sequence for the documentary and the features we want to include.

    by neema & kiran

    Tuesday 6 February 2007


    What can help you recover from the disorder:

    1) Speak positively to yourself. I constantly challenged the voice and fears inside me that underminded my needs, rights, and desires.

    2) Create visual reminders. I surrounded myself with books, pictures, and sayings that gave me permission to eat guilt-free, knowing it would result in stronger and clearer thoughts, decisions, and feelings.

    3) Take responsibility for yourself. I made a decision to no longer be a passive victim, but an active agent in my own life. That meant making decisions that worked for me.

    4) Take risks. Instead of isolating myself, fearing failureand not reaching my potential, I became publicabout my eating disorder- I told people about my struggle. This diminished the power of silence, fear, and lonliness.

    5) Accept and work with help. At one time I thought I had to get better on my own so I resisted the support of friends, family, and professionals. While it is true that I needed to make the decision to get better on my own, I needed to feel others supported me even when I had to learn by making mistakes.

    6) Make planned changes. I set small goals to reach majordesires. Take one day at a time.

    7) Keep a Journal. Recording my thoughts and feelings over time helped me see how I was changing.

    8) Enter into relationships. I benefited from the healing of friendship. Friends reflected an image of myself during our interactions. Relationships helped me to find out who I was, what I wanted to be, and with whom I would share my life.

    By kiran xx

    Monday 5 February 2007


    on >Tonight With Trevor McDonald< Fiona Foster reveals the horrifying network of pro-anorexia websites encouraging young girls to starve themselves.
    It gives advice and tips >so called commandments< that anorexics should follow. The short documentary features two battling anorexics, one is a 24 year old who has been battling for 13 years. the other anorexic featured is a 14yr old girl who has been battling for 2yrs - however her parents refuse to admit her into a psychiatric facility.
    however both anorexics said that the websites helped them share their story with others, and that they had a sense of acceptance and belonging.
    Two specialists are interviewed in the documentary who both state that the government/ local heath trusts have failed to support families and anorexics, as in most cases the psychiatric ward wasn't the best place to help them recover.
    interesting facts:
    * 9/10 anorexics feel they can't tell anyone
    * 1% said they could tell their parents
    * it is the biggest teenage killer after car accidents

    below are links to newspaper websites who have featured eating disorders in relation to the media...,,2001290023-2006020519,00.html,,1999860,00.html,,2001290023-2006550228,00.html

    by neema.

    documentary- THIN promo

    A cinema verité documentary that takes us inside the walls of Renfrew, a clinic in southern Florida that specializes in the treatment of eating disorders. Renowned documentary photographer Lauren Greenfield makes her directorial debut with this film and chronicles the treatment of four women as they struggle to overcome an illness that has consumed their lives. With breathtaking style and remarkable intimacy, Greenfield interweaves both the physical and emotional ramifications of this complicated disease and the stories of the brave wounded women on this arduous journey to recovery." THIN premieres Tuesday, November 14th, 2006 at 9PM EST on HBO

    This documentary is very interesting as it really goes deep into what young girls think, and it is quite sad because they just want to be thin. It shows a bit where a girl is crying so much because she wants to be thin.

    They say they want to be noticed, they don’t want to be a pile of bones and they don’t want to be really big, they don’t really know what normal is anymore.

    The look of pizza disgusted one girl and she didn’t even want to look at it as she was just living on fruit, the documentary follows on with
    trying to get her to be normal and get her well.

    I thought the documentary was wicked, it proper gets to you into it, and it makes you feel how the girls are feeling that suffer from it.

    Xx Kiran xX

    Sunday 4 February 2007

    Resarch for practical production

    This ia a documentary similar to our production. it has been shot over a period of four years and is an in-depth story of one young woman's long struggle with eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia. Beginning with Regina's decision at fourteen to diet after a boy's rejection of her because she was overweight, A Season in Hell follows Regina's continuous struggle though high school, college, hospitalization, and an engagement.
    This documentary shows how a girl suffers from severe illnesses which all resulted form a rejection by a boy at school who thought she was fat.


    Saturday 3 February 2007

    NATIONAL EATING DISORDER AWARENESS WEEK 5TH - 11TH FEBRUARY 2007 .... TV channels will be showing documentaries exploring eating disorders and the size 0 trend in Hollywood


    I'm a child anorexic - documentary

    This was a documentary shown on BBC3 within the last week, a camera crew went to Rhodes Farm (located in Barnet) - a clinic in which teenagers are able to go to when overcoming anorexia.
    The youngest patient was a girl of 12 and the oldest was 16, with lots of magazines within the clinic, she claims that the media did not influence her, as she developed anorexia by the image she had in her head, an idol. Once reaching her ideal weight she was free to leave the clinic.
    Dr Dee Dawson who runs the clinic describes anorexia as one of the deadliest psychiatric illnesses, and runs group and individual sessions with patients.
    Rhodes Farm can be described as a small boarding school where pupils can sit their GCSE's and A Levels.

    Staffs prepare high calorie meals and patients are supervised when eating as some have previously tried to hide food in tissues or squeeze oil out of chips.
    When eating some girls memorize the calories in certain foods such as chips, olive oil, and fish fingers and hesitate when eating.
    Another girl exercises vigorously in her room, to burn the calories she had eaten for dinner, but when caught she was on constant supervision; she also refused to drink water thinking it had calories!

    By neema

    Wednesday 31 January 2007

    meeting with dietitian...

    interview with dietitian on Wednesday 7Th Feb, she has asked for the list of questions we wish to ask her, and has previously done interviews for documentaries before.

    Saturday 27 January 2007

    music for doc...

    Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
    this is a powerful song, the message in the song is ' you are beautiful no matter what they say' , it shows that girls don't have to be skinny to look beautiful, they are beautiful just as they are...

    Rihanna - Unfaithful (Instrumental)
    this song holds a strong meaning, but we will be using the instrumental version for background music as its calming and cool.

    Another song that was suggested was >jojo - exceptional< ( thanks ZeB)
    "You're exceptional the way you are don't need to change for nobody you're incredible, anyone can see that when will you believe that?"
    it conveys the message of our documeantary and is another powerful song

    by neema

    Thursday 25 January 2007

    What We Want To iNclude...

    This is a brief outline of what we hope to include in our documentary:

    * An interview with a psychiatrist

    Possible questions –
    *How many patients have you had to deal with regarding an eating disorder?
    *In your experience why do you think teenagers develop this disorder?
    *Are the majority of your patients female or male, as statistics show an increase of males having an eating disorder?

    *How do you help teenagers combat the disorder?
    *In the past has treatment ever failed?
    *Have some of your patients come out worse or better after treatment?
    *Are there any tips or advice you could offer to teenagers who currently have a disorder but are scared to admit it?

    *Magazine front covers – a few of which are posted on the blog
    *Hopefully an interview with a person who currently or previously had an eating disorder.
    *Pictures of celebrities we have found, most of which are size 0.
    *Stills soap story lines, i.e. HOLLYOAKS

    By neema,saman & kiran

    Wednesday 24 January 2007

    In the Media...

    Ana Carolina Reston

    Anorexia claimed the life of model; Ana Carolina Reston (left) who died on 14th November 2006, in Sao Paulo, Brazil; from a generalised infection caused by anorexia.
    She was 5'8'' tall and weighed only 88 pounds. Doctors consider this weight normal for a 12-year-old girl who is no more than 5 feet tall. Her mother has since revealed to the press that her diet, since the last two months, consisted only of apples and tomatoes.

    Reston's death is set to strengthen claims of links between the fashion industry and eating disorders. It comes shortly after one of Europe's most prestigious catwalk shows, in the Spanish Capital,banned models with a body mass index of less than 18. Body mass index is a calculation doctors normally apply to study obesity, and anyone with index below 18.5 is considered underweight. At the time of her death, Ana had a Body Mass Index of 13.4.

    This article shows that people are affected by eating disorders all around the world, and one of the major influences being the fashion industry, fortunatley for Ana she was unable to control anorexia and it resulted in her death.

    by neema

    SoO Whats The Difference?

    The Difference
    Anorexia is an illness that occurs mainly in teenage girls, although increasingly boys suffer from it too. People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin and are terrified of gaining weight. As a result, they starve themselves (especially avoiding high-calorie foods), and exercise obsessively until they become extremely thin and well below the normal weight for their age and height.

    Bulimia usually affects women in their early to mid-twenties. People with bulimia are also terrified of gaining weight, but they can usually keep within a normal weight. This is because they eat very large amounts of fattening food (called 'bingeing'), but then get rid of that food by vomiting or by taking laxatives.

    The Causes

    We do not know exactly what causes anorexia or bulimia. Many explanations have been suggested, although the precise reasons may be different for each person.

    A fear of not being able to cope or feeling overwhelmed are common among people with anorexia or bulimia. For instance, adolescence is full of major changes – both physical and emotional – and some teenagers may be confused or uncertain. Denying themselves food may be one way to establish some control in their lives. Others may resort to food to block out disturbing feelings. People with bulimia are often unsure of themselves, lack confidence in their abilities or suffer from depression. Binge eating may be one way to cope with these unhappy, unsettled feelings.

    Today's 'thin is beautiful' image may be a contributing factor. The waif-like ideal promoted through the media can put pressure on women of all ages to diet, sometimes to excess. Other triggers of eating disorders may include upsetting events, such as divorce, or difficult or abusive family relationships.

    by *neema*

    Tuesday 23 January 2007

    Eating Disorders are NOT SEXY!!!

    No one wants to be a 0...

    People with eating disorders are always thinking about food but don't eat it because they think their fat.

    What Is Anorexia?

    Anorexia is an eating disorder where people starve themselves.Anorexics have an intense fear of gaining weight, so they either don't eat enough food or eat Almost Nothing. As a result, they rapidly lose weight. Even then, anorexics are convinced they're overweight. Sometimes they hide food, cut food into tiny pieces, or obsessively count calories. Anorexia usually begins in young people around the age of 13-20 around the onset of puberty.Weight loss is usually 15% below the person's normal body weight.
    Did YoU Know That 90% of Anorexics Are FemAle!
    HowEver the number of MaLes with eating disorders is currently on the riSe

    What is Bulimia?
    Bulimia is a psychological eating disorder. Bulimia is characterised by episodes of binge-eating followed by inappropriate methods of weight control. Inappropriate methods of weight control include vomiting, fasting, enemas, excessive use of laxatives and diuretics, or compulsive exercising. Excessive shape and weight concerns are also characteristics of bulimia.

    This is Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen. Mary Kate was the twin that had an eating disorder and received medical treatment for it. Now she is doing well.

    BY kiran xx

    So WhAts Been In The MedIa??

    Overall the issues with eating disorders are not only within the UK, they are all around the world, and most importantly teenagers are being encouraged to look like their favourite stars , even if that means starving...

    In This Issue Of HEAT, The AmOunt Of Celebs BeComIng Thin Is referred To As An EPIDEMIC!

    ThIs is The Front Page to US GossIp MagaZine THE ENQUIRER

    AnOther Front Cover From US Gossip magazine STAR

    By Neema